Houston Port

Houston Port

Our Petroleum Tank Farm in Houston consists of 18 major above ground storage tanks which are surrounded by a reinforced concrete containment wall that exceeds the states requirements containment. This ensures the protection and safety of handling commodities of this nature.
Hurkens Logistics Services (HSL) B.V. owns 90% shares and has 1,235,000 capacity (cbm), our tank terminal is able to store chemical, petroleum, and gas products.


Capacity: 1,235,000
Tanks: 187
Tank Types: Coated Steel, Mild steel
Tank Size: From 157 to 13,625
Access: Barge, Pipeline, Rail, Truck, Vessel
Draught: 14.621 meter
Berths for barges: 9
Berths for vessels: 5
Products: Biofuels, Chemicals, Petroleum products, Base oils and lubricants
Services: Nitrogen blanketing, Ship purging and blanketing, 24 hour tank car switching, Blending, Circulation, Marine lightering capabilities
Terminals: Import/Export/Distribution
Ownership: 100%

Listed below are some of the liquid products we handle:

1) Liquid Asphalt
2) Diesel Fuel
3) Aviation Kerosene (Aviation Turbine A-1 & Colonial Grade 54 “JP54”)
4) No. 6 Diesel Oil
5) No. 4 Diesel Oil
6) No. 2 Diesel Oil
7) Bio Fuel

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

