Antwerp Port

Antwerp Port

Our Antwerp (Belgium) is one of the biggest port-infrastructure companies in Europe. Each year we handle more than 35 million tons of bulk, breakbulk, containerised goods and liquid. We develop, operate and manage global maritime supply-chain solutions for international customers in target industry sectors.


Capacity: 714,185 cbm
Tanks: 148
Tank Types: Coated Steel, Mild steel, Stainless steel
Tank Size: From 28 to 50,000 cbm
Access: Barge, Pipeline, Rail, Truck, Vessel
Draught: 14.2 meter
Berths for barges: 4
Berths for vessels: 2
Products: Chemicals, Gasoil, Petroleum products
Services: Blending, Heating, Chilling, Lab on site, Dedicated systems, Weighing, Nitrogen blanketing
Terminals: Import/Export/Distribution, Hub
Ownership: 100%

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9